
How to play Toto Keno at Sbobet Casino

How to play Toto Keno at Sbobet Casino

We will provide you tutorial How to play Lucky Keno on the Sbobet Casino to help you first try this digital guessing game. A game that almost looks like guessing the numbers of the lottery has been very interesting to play.

Game Keno is a type of online casino game on Sbobet in the Mini Games section, you can check it with the official site. This game aims to get a win or guess 15 digits and each number that has been successfully guessed at a particular odds. So the more numbers you guess, the more payments you can receive.

How to play Keno is very simple and easy, in the live version, there are 80 numbers in which you have to choose between 1 and 15 according to your wishes. then the system will issue 20 random numbers. If a random number has the number you choose, you will earn it based on the number of numbers assigned.

In each Keno video game, 20 numbers will be randomly selected from the 80 numbers available. Each issue that comes out is called HIT. If there is a match with your choice, you are affected. The number of coins you earn for each game Keno on Sbobet Casino Video depends on:

  • How much money do you bet?
  • How many numbers did you choose?
  • The number of numbers you choose corresponds to the 20 numbers taken by the program.

How to play Toto Keno on Sbobet Casino

  1. Volume Button: Swipe left and right to adjust the sound of the game
  2. Speed: To adjust the speed of the game, the more you slide to the right, the faster you play.
  3. Lucky Dip: You can set from 01 to 15. The key is to choose a random number according to the Lucky Dip of your choice.
  4. Clear: to delete / cancel all the numbers you have selected.
  5. Stake: for bets is the face value of your bet.
  6. Auto play: Maybe the name you already know what it means, by activating this function, the system will automatically play to represent you 5 times.
  7. Place bet: If you have finished selecting numbers, clicking this button will start the game immediately.

What to do to win the Toto Keno Gambling online at Sbobet Casino is to know the type of ticket. If you know it, it will certainly help you to know your type of bet. If you only want to bet once in a game, you only need one ticket. There is no specific strategy in this game. The game relies solely on the available opportunities, as the balls are randomly arranged and will eventually fall into the basket as a lottery number.

In the game, Toto Keno must also find a motive, this is one of the tips of this game. After the ball is taken, the ball will be returned to the basket and played again.

All you need to do is play as much as possible using 1 ticket according to the provisions of this game. For example, you play up to 10 numbers, then you have to play them all, which will give you many opportunities to win the game.

For those of you who are interested in participating in the game, you can register easily and at no cost. Do not miss, we also Sbobetpress online gambling agent, who will give you an attractive bonus promotion.

For registration information and Frequently Asked Questions about Toto Keno bookmakers, please contact our Customer Service Center via via below.